โครงการปฏิบัติธรรมครูผู้นำบุญฟื้นฟูศีลธรรมโลก รุ่นที่ 4
Our ancestors mentioned that the life of a grateful person would always be prosperous. Why is it so?
Our ancestors mentioned that the life of a grateful person would always be prosperous. I’d like to know the reason why this is the case.
Core Value # 6: There is life after death
This core value surmises the continuity of life after death. Life does not simply cease when we die. Only the physical body will decompose, but our spirit will comtinue its journey. This view is shared in one way or another by nearly every form of organized religion.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Knowledge (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The third group of blessings. Blessing Seven :- Artfulness in Knowledge
มส. มอบ มจร. พิมพ์พระไตรปิฎกวางตามโรงแรม
มหาเถรสมาคม ได้มอบหมายให้มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย จัดพิมพ์
Core Value # 8 : We are endebted to our father
This eighth form of core value indicates that a child acknowledges his or her debt of gratitude to his father. The debt of gratitude a person has tovards their father is the same as that they have towards their mother, i.e,:
Why don't people live forever?
Most people say that the fourth precept is particularly difficult to strictly observe, especially for those who are merchants. Are there any strategies to keep the fourth precept pure and chaste?
Most people say that the fourth precept is particularly difficult to strictly observe, especially for those who are merchants like myself. I would therefore like to ask Luang Por if there are any strategies to keep the fourth precept pure and chaste?
Core Value # 4: That good & bad actions have karmic results
This fourth sort of core value implies that a person takes responsibility for the effects towards themselves and others of their own actions, It implies thaat a person assumes that the law of cause and effect is in force in their lives.
ภาษาอังกฤษเกี่ยวกับการเดินทางโดยเครื่องบิน "Travelling by plane 2"
วันเราจะไปติดตามกันด้วยเรื่องการเดินทางโดยเครื่องบิน ตอนที่ 2 จะมีคำศัพท์ที่น่าสนใจใช้ในการเดินทางอีกบ้าง เราจะพูดอย่างไรมาติดตามกันเลย...